Bored (Feelings Cards)

Feeling tired or restless because of having to do something that is not interesting.

In an era where technology keeps us always occupied, one can ask "where is boredom’s place?" "Is boredom disappearing?". First let’s have a look at its definition; it means "feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity". In my opinion, boredom is not disappearing and its place is important in our daily lives because even technology can’t stop us from feeling bored. And it is good news. As feelings are a cue to follow to find needs, if a feeling disappears, it means we lose a part of awareness. That is why, like all emotions, boredom is very important even if it is not pleasant. Our brains need a break from time to time, and boredom gives space to imagination and creativity.

Example: She had been waiting for her friend to call her. She got bored to wait and left the house.

Bored - Feelings Cards - Daily NVC -

You can download this card (Right-click > Save image as...) and use it for free, or you can support my work and buy the whole deck (34 cards) of feelings here:
The size of the cards is 44mm X 67mm (1.73" x 2.64").

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